Message in a dream
Up an anonymous mountain
As I climbed up an unknown mountain
Like a fetus swirling loudly within the glass
Howling green thoughts of winter bright grass
On the opposite mountain, a group of climbers
Climbing while singing a strange new falsetto
Two anonymous mountains
I am alone and they are a team no support whatsoever
Drowning in prayer, where my strength comes from
I shall not fall and crack
I have been bestowed a ticket to the top
From out of the pages of the Holy book
I asked if they will manage to go down
'The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind'
A breeze tickled through my skin to heart to mind to soul
And before I know it, I have reached the top,
the cloudy yesterdays out of my mind.
I was looking at the edge they had to take down anonymous, the mountain
Good a hand from above reached down the group of climbers
“Yours is worse” a voice said
I grabbed a knot on my rope, and began to descend
And staring up through the clear skies,
so not to calculate how far till I reach the bottom
A voice asked
“What do you all do all day?
Remember. It is not about them or you”
They could not see the design of their own mountain nor could you see your own
“Your mountain edge going down looked as if will break out from the mountain”
For fall comes too fast, when the fallen cause earth's tilting
And I thought the descend and everything was all very tiring
With me a blaze I was stoked
The voice said
But virtue in the hearts of those encouraged
I give you a sign of my command
Upon landing down anonymous mountains
We encountered storms and floods from all directions
So there I stood, I conquered the mountain up, came down flawlessly, surely I am not without
But my wild eyes started staring up again
I got to pull myself together, humble myself and yearn for the voice
The water flow was harsh and strong and too loud for me to hear anything
I remembered the tickly breeze from the mountain top
I started rescuing everyone to places of safety
Hard but it brought me joy
More like tasting something so bad yet so sweet
And I had I found my strength, it is already in place
Helping someone float
To rescue across angry waters
That smell was so sweet.
I met people from all races
First of the human race were from the South
They were amazed at the length of my beautiful black hand
The excitement overwhelmed me
The voice
“Smile, shut up and hear me and sit on my face”
They may not have hands like yours
But they still got big black ears and eyes
Do not press the halt button but……continue.
But be careful, do not be self-righteous
Second of the human race were from the East
The voice
“Forever will I crave their hearts, mind and soul?
Through vast decaying fields of flesh”
Do not press the halt button but……continue.
But be careful, do not be self-righteous
Third of the human race were West
Not at all!
I fixed myself in the Lord, went in and remained content
Things are not always as they appear
Don’t just sit there and helplessly make fun of
Never judge a book by just looking at the cover
Get close
Fourth of the human race were North
Too confident and well spoken
But we they know who says it all at all?
The Ruler quickly restrained them
It is only on the surface of it all
The Holy book
They can say it all
I safely got a lost boy to his father
So why does my smile melt with the confusion?
Only with great control I did not leave him wandering
With just a dash of the Holy Spirit
I safely got a lost boy to his father
The togetherness makes me down to earth
Has anybody seen Christ the Lord?
I am feeling quite cushioned recently
Like I am cuddled to develop, as in from cocoon,
To a larvae
To a butterfly
I have I would have grew
I am attached to the breeze;
My connection to the breeze Is like love bonded by super glue Inseparable
The Lord is a tree of life
The tree is dripping with overflowing love and the truth
Reality is that without the message from a dream
A touch from the breeze
My life is like a staircase leading nowhere
We all survived the storm and none drowned in the flood
I prayed and I sang to praise and worship the Lord
Oh God I am full of life
With the water still flowing it felt like
I just stepped on to new grounds
I saw all kinds of woods swept by the flow
Watching the chunky bits float gently
Some getting stuck to the ground
Only the big sharp spiked!
They are but tiny particles in the eyes of God!
The splinters invade anyone that I try to be near
You sent me Lord and I took courage
There's no way I cannot overcome evil
I shall hold the spear up and fight to the last moment
All in your honor
I will always come up with something that rhymes on reverence
The wicked think animals are nasty as sin
they can never be Lord for you are the creator
In your eyes God
No sin is bigger than another as we are all born of sin
You spoke to me and I am still listening
And I sometimes think this is all very tiring
You whispering sweet somethings
Does a lot of things for me?
Your will be done
Under hot fire
The Lord deep fried my skin
Cleansed my heart and purified my soul
To the man who says it can't be done
Don't come back to me for I can do all things through Lord Jesus Christ who gives me strength